What does lightworks pro do
What does lightworks pro do

what does lightworks pro do

Usually, I've linked the Lightworks folder to an M2 SSD different from my system drive, because the autosave process needs fast access to not impact performance negatively and, the project folder is small, because it doesn't contain any media. I have a Pro version, but use hardlinks for the Lightworks user folder nevertheless, not because of folder size, but because of flexibility.

what does lightworks pro do

Even with the Free version, you can place the Projects folder or the whole Lightworks user folder, if necessary, wherever you want on your local file system with hardlinks (aka junctions on Windows) on OS level.

what does lightworks pro do

However, you shouldn't overestimate that feature. Certainly something LWKS should look into. Click to expand.First off, you are right that neither the feature list nor the comparison of versions on the lwks website list movable project locations (and shared project spaces) as features of the Pro version only, which it is.

What does lightworks pro do